Door Finger Protector
Door Finger Protector Door Finger Protector
Door Finger Protector

Door Safety Compliance can now be certified by independent qualified Health & Safety advisor who is further accredited to Children’s Charter legislation based standard. Competent site risk assessment, shield selection, installation, compliance certification and annual re-certification is organised and policed by Children’s Charter at no cost to the customer.

Where children have access to doors finger entrapment injury and finger loss is reasonably foreseeable without adequate measures. We believe we offer risk managers in schools, hotels, restaurants, leisure centres and home users the only viable independent option to meet their duty of care. By definition door finger injuries are not excusable as accidental.

Safety that works

Sponsored by

with the advice
of an expert

Please take the time to view the whole of this 4 minute video from safety expert
Nick Balmforth MBE. You will be shocked!
